PERUVIAN PHARMACEUTICAL SAC, is a 100% Peruvian company specialized in the manufacture and marketing of drugs and additives for veterinary use, which is aware that the commitment to quality, society, the environment, people's safety and occupational health, is the way to ensure viability over time. For this reason, it has sought to adapt its Integrated Management System to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and BASC standards.

In addition, due to its presence in the veterinary industry, it has a strict Quality and Safety System for animal feed products, under the FAMI-QS and GMP certification scheme.

Based on the above, PERUVIAN PHARMACEUTICAL is committed to:

  • Allocate the necessary resources to verify and evaluate compliance with the objectives and goals of the Integrated Management System.

  • Comply and enforce compliance with legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the Integrated Management System, as well as national regulations and those of destination countries, ensuring competitiveness, customer satisfaction and innovation.

  • To ensure the quality and safety of its products by using raw materials and inputs with international quality standards, guaranteeing the control of the value chain and taking actions to prevent food fraud.

  • To provide safe and healthy working conditions by promoting a culture of prevention to all employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors, in order to eliminate hazards, reduce risks and protect them from injuries, health deterioration or accidents at work.

  • Promote education, training and awareness of personnel for their growth and contribution to the maintenance and improvement of the Integrated Management System, taking into account their active participation, contributions to the processes, objectives, goals and scope.

  • Ensure the protection of the environment, working in a respectful way, preventing pollution and minimizing the environmental effects that arise as a result of the activity developed.

  • Maintain the integrity of its operations, with respect to the prevention of corruption and bribery crimes, money laundering, among others, and promote security in the use of Information Technology.

  • Promote the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System, establishing indicators to evaluate its performance and effectiveness through audits, inspections, simulations and self-evaluations.

?For the effective fulfillment of this policy, it is necessary the commitment of all PERUVIAN PHARMACEUTICAL SAC collaborators, as well as external personnel who interact in its operations.

This policy is reviewed, communicated, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization and stakeholders, supported by the Code of Ethics and Conduct, as well as the company's internal guidelines.

511-5961822 / RPM: #975523370 / Entel: 923441044
Website by Kampaq